Welcome to the France BioImaging Blog

Hello and welcome,

In this blog, we’ll try to keep you updated on our activities, publish howtos and help for biologists and for throw out some ideas.

Let’s start by presenting our project!

As you can read on our portal, and surmise from the website address, our first goal is to deploy OMERO in the various France Bioimaging microscopy platforms.

More precisely, we wish to have omero instances in this platforms not only because omero is a great tool to organize your microscopy data, but also because we want to accompany a shift in the way scientific data is managed and used.

This blog will talk about FAIR data, try to detail the many initiatives around open data in microscopy in France and abroad. Those are exciting times as a lot of stuff is starting up and everybody is commited to build accessible data and open standards for biology images. We will also talk about our deployment strategy itself, and bounce around ideas and technical considerations. It will provide documentation for final users. We decided to do it in French, since many ressources already exists in English.

Please feel free to translate in your own language!

So … See you soon for a post on a distributed architecture for OMERO
